It's a few days late, but hopefully it was a wonderful celebration for all. Seanna really enjoyed the holidays this year and I think she is going to be very disappointed when everyone's Christmas lights displays have been taken down and all the decorations put away--the only person she won't miss --SANTA. She is NOT a big fan of his this year, so we will have to begin working on promoting him a little earlier next year. She has really begun talking the last two weeks and has even started putting small sentences together--"where's Daddy" and "Bye Bye Jess". She has even added several words to her vocabulary over the last week-apple (we walked into the grocery store on Saturday and she shouted "APPLE" at the top of her lungs when she saw the apple bin), Up, Moon (she is obsessed with the moon), mammaw and grama and pappa. She is really doing great!
Her favorite show on television is Yo Gabba Gabba--she gets to watch a small amount of TV every morning when we're trying to get breakfast ready and get daddy off to work.
Her favorite food--now that is tricky since it seems to be changing from day to day. She loves to eat our oatmeal in the morning (she now gets her own bowl as she almost eats the entire bowl), she still loves fruit, especially frozen blueberries which are a chocolate mess to serve her, and finally whatever mom and dad are eating is what she wants for dinner.
She is able to run and is extremely coordinated these days. She is starting to throw a ball and we bought her a tee and bat for Xmas to work on her hand eye coordination. She is a great climber and problem solver as she has already learned how to scale a ladder at Gymboree and is also able to open the diswasher and climb on the sofas.
Hope everyone is well and had a safe and lovely holiday season. We would love to hear how you are all doing...
Monday, December 28, 2009
Merry Christmas
Posted by Forever Family at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
JR Firefighter in Training
We've been frantically getting ready for the holidays. Seanna absolutely loves Xmas lights and when she likes a particular set up in someone's yard, she grins from ear to ear and yells "LIGHTS". She is DEFINITELY not a fan of santa this year, we tried to get a photo and she wasn't having it.
Hope everyone is well and early Merry Xmas wishes!
Posted by Forever Family at 7:19 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Happy Turkey Day
We hope you all had a fantastic Turkey Day! We have been celebrating alot here at our home --my 39th bday (Seanna and I went to Disneyland for the 1st time last week) and then we had Thanksgiving (we did the Turkey Trot in the morning and came home and cooked Thanksgiving Dinner at home) and then Wes and I celebrated our 11th year anniversary last night. So many things to be thankful for... Seanna is doing great these days and talking and playing up a storm. She has alot of new words that she likes to say--car, please, birdie, doggie, daddy, hello, mommy, etc. and she gabbers on top of that. She is definitely going to be the class clown as she has fun and laughs alot during the day (but also has a very strong temper as well).
Hope all is well with you...
Posted by Forever Family at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween!!!!!!
We had so much fun last night!!!!!! We went around the neighborhood early before anyone was out to visit the neighbors and then parked ourselves out at home and waited for over 200+ trick or treaters to come over... We got Seanna's cheerios out on the front porch and in between bites, she would pass out candy to our visitors. Everyone had a ton of fun. We also had our photo shoot today for our holiday cards from my very good friend the photographer. We got some awesome shots of our family and Seanna!
She is really doing welll these days (although week before last she was SUPER sick with a terrible fever but is tons better now). She is a pistol peet these days and has energy from the time she wakes up, until the time she goes to bed. We also got our first haircut yesterday in preparation for our holiday photos! Hope everyone had a great Halloween...
Posted by Forever Family at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
Playing Dress up and Tanaka Farms
Posted by Forever Family at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Happy 15 Months!
It's hard to believe that Seanna is 15 months old today! We spent the day going to a local pumpkin patch and she had fun going through all the pumpkins, watching other kids ride the John Deer Tractors and riding a "hay" horse. She is growing, growing, growing and got 4 molars and a lower tooth in the last week and a half. She was in a ton of pain constantly and very few things made her happy--thank goodness we are past that stage. She has made a lot of progress in her verbal skills (at least from an understanding standpoint) as she now knows what several words mean--ball, baby, book, sleep, blanket etc. She is doing very, very well.
Posted by Forever Family at 7:14 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Bottles no more...
Love to all!
Posted by Forever Family at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Great Weekend
We had a really nice weekend and were able to fit some time in at the beach today--here are a few photos!!
Posted by Forever Family at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 7, 2009
Just Home From Vail, CO
Posted by Forever Family at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
1st Bday
Posted by Forever Family at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Perfect 1st Father's Day
Hope all is well and your enjoying summer!
Posted by Forever Family at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009

Posted by Forever Family at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Finally an update--sorry!

Posted by Forever Family at 1:37 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day

Posted by Forever Family at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Happy Easter!
Posted by Forever Family at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Love, Us
Posted by Forever Family at 12:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St Patrick's Day!
Posted by Forever Family at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 7, 2009
It has been a VERY long two weeks with Seanna--she has been an absolute handful and most of reason I haven't been able to update the blog or get anything else done for that matter :)... she is into ABSOLUTELY everything and can move so quickly you better not blink or she will be getting herself into trouble doing something. She's so smart that when I block her off from one obstacle, she will either go under, over or sometimes through the barrier in order to get what she has set her mind on accomplishing. It's unbelievable to watch her little mind work and see how she figures things out. Two days ago, she was chewing on my finger while I was carrying her and finally I felt the top tooth breaking through. It's been working it's way through the gums for weeks now and it's finally going to make an appearance. We've continued to attend music class and have also joined a tumble center so she is enjoying that as well. She absolutely loves bubbles and believe it or not was able to scale the rock wall with some added incentive and me coaching her from above as to which rock to grab next. It was pretty cool. She is still growing daily and is now wearing 18 month clothes. She can now say "da da" and is created her own vocabulary where she is carrying on a conversation with herself. Her very favorite activity though--chase Axel around the house. She absolutely screams whenever she sees him and the poor dog doesn't know what end is up. It's quite funny to watch. Here are a few photos when she was playing in my office yesterday while I was trying to pay some bills.

Posted by Forever Family at 3:08 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Lots to catch up on...
Last week was a bit of a blur as I was the first one to become sick, follwed by Seanna (with her very first cold, fever, ear infection etc), Wes and then Axel. It was more like the television show MASH around here than Valentines day, but at least everyone is back to being healthy again this week.
Posted by Forever Family at 4:56 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Standing Up, Crawling Up Steps and Upper Teeth

Posted by Forever Family at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
On Saturday Morning, I woke up to Wes bringing Seanna in our room at 6am before he fed her(unfortunately, I didn't sleep very well the night before so I was still a little groggy) so he was taking over the morning duties for me. All of the sudden, Seanna's face lights up and she says "HI!" and Wes and I got a huge chuckle out of this as did she! Now, that is her second vocabulary word--we are still working on Dada so hopefully that one comes soon. She also decided this morning that she was going to learn how to crawl up the steps from the family room into the kitchen. When I came home from the gym, Wes said "you are not going to believe what she did" and sure enough, she has already mastered the task 4 other times today. She scoots all around the hardwood floor in the kitchen and is attempting to open every cabinet we have--babyproofer is on the way to lock them all!! We had a pretty quite weekend overall, we did go out to feed the ducks on Saturday and Sunday we went to a Superbowl Party for a short time (Seanna isn't really big on loud nosies so when the Steelers intercepted and ran the ball back for a touchdown--that was the end of the party for us!! :) Looks like it might rain again this weekned so we have a few play dates lined up so far and should have fun come rain or shine. Enjoy the week...
Posted by Forever Family at 2:48 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
18 lbs-Really??!!
I was finally able to get a shot of Seanna's two bottom teeth and last night, she was screaming at midnight as her upper ones are also starting to break through! All things considered she is doing really well with as much pain as the teeth are causing her. We try to manage it with the Highland Teething Tablets, Orajel and Motrin in the evening before she goes to sleep. Soon, she will look like a whole new little person once those top ones arrive and we will make sure to get some great new shots for everyone... She also had her 6 month doctor appt on Thursday of last week and measured in at 27 inches long, and weighs 18.6 lbs! The doctor's office decided to start taking bets as to when she will be taller than I am!! On a side note, Wes met Dora Torres last week, and had his photo taken with her during the National Sales Meeting in Orlando, so we are going to frame the photo and put it in her room with the caption "Daddy and Dora". Wes has given Seanna the loving nickname "flipper" because her feet are growing so quickly that he swears that she will be a swimmer and use her feet to her advantage. She is also a SUPER fast crawler now and has decided to move to the next stage of pulling herself up on things (or at least pulling the object down to her level). She is also saying "mama" clearly and eating solids on the Level 3 baby food now. The doctor was very excited about how well she is developing and also mentioned that Seanna will probably be walking around 9 months. You go girl!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Forever Family at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguration Day and Catching Up
Today is very historical day as our new 44th President Barack Obama has taken office-Seanna and I were able to watch him take his oath while she drank her bottle on my lap. We're very hopeful, as is the rest of the country and the world, that he can bring some postive energy and action to our country.
Posted by Forever Family at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 4, 2009
6 Months Ago Today!
It's hard to believe that 6 months have already past since Seanna arrived on the 4th of July! She seems to be growing daily and quickly changing before our very eyes... She went from this quite little creature on the left--to this on the right in a matter of six months!

Love to all...
Posted by Forever Family at 6:45 PM 0 comments