It has been a VERY long two weeks with Seanna--she has been an absolute handful and most of reason I haven't been able to update the blog or get anything else done for that matter :)... she is into ABSOLUTELY everything and can move so quickly you better not blink or she will be getting herself into trouble doing something. She's so smart that when I block her off from one obstacle, she will either go under, over or sometimes through the barrier in order to get what she has set her mind on accomplishing. It's unbelievable to watch her little mind work and see how she figures things out. Two days ago, she was chewing on my finger while I was carrying her and finally I felt the top tooth breaking through. It's been working it's way through the gums for weeks now and it's finally going to make an appearance. We've continued to attend music class and have also joined a tumble center so she is enjoying that as well. She absolutely loves bubbles and believe it or not was able to scale the rock wall with some added incentive and me coaching her from above as to which rock to grab next. It was pretty cool. She is still growing daily and is now wearing 18 month clothes. She can now say "da da" and is created her own vocabulary where she is carrying on a conversation with herself. Her very favorite activity though--chase Axel around the house. She absolutely screams whenever she sees him and the poor dog doesn't know what end is up. It's quite funny to watch. Here are a few photos when she was playing in my office yesterday while I was trying to pay some bills.

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