Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving and Several Celebrations

I'm so sorry it's taken so long to update the blog.  I feel like I apologize in each posting, but we think of all of you often and it's getting more and more difficult to have time to do sit and write.  Seanna had a wonderful time "trick or treating" this year at some friends homes a few minutes away.  She was a bumble bee that evening and could not believe that you could go door to door and get candy!  She was hillarious--I actually tried to make sure she was saying thank you at one home, but when I asked her what does she say, she answered "more candy at the next house"!  :0  She is doing amazing well in school and has learned to count 1-20 and knows her ABCs!  She is singing songs on a regular basis and has regressed in her eating and only likes a few items now that she is well into her two year old stage.

She also is having a wonderful Thanksgiving and learning all about being a new big sister!  Her new sister arrived last Thursday and is keeping all of us very, very busy.   Seanna is an amazing sister and we did prepare her very well for her sister's arrival.  She likes getting the big sister presents and likes sharing her TV programs (yo gabba, gabba) etc with her sister.

She is napping now but earlier we all went to the park and will be having Thanksgiving dinner when she wakes from her nap.  We wish all of you a wonderful Turkey Day and hope you are celebrating with family, friends and football!

Love to all,


Monday, September 27, 2010

First Day of School (again)

We just returned from Ohio yesterday afternoon (Seanna and I) and went to visit my side of the family.  It was a crazy trip as always trying to see everyone in a short period of time and still attempt to keep Seanna on some type of schedule.  It was a wonderful visit and Seanna enjoyed every minute of the trip (including the plane rides as she thinks that is one of the best parts of traveling).  We were both exhausted yesterday and even though she woke up at 330am we decided to still try her first day of school today.  Taking a step back, we did enroll her in a different school a few weeks back and after a few visits I decided that it was not the right place for her.  Today, I absolutely, 100% felt that we made the right choice in changing schools.  She was sooo tired by the start of the school day I wasn't sure how she was going to do--she stopped crying and when I picked her up at 11am she FLEW into my arms and said "MOMMY I HAD FUN!!"  That might be my second proudest mommy moment with her!!  So needless to say she is doing great.  She will be going 3 days a week, part time and I think she is going to LOVE it.  She is already counting to 10 by herself, knows colors and her talking is beyond advanced for her age.  Her memory is amazing as I told her that I was going to the grocery store while she was at school today and when I picked her up she asked "All done grocery store?"  :)  Thank goodness I actually went as she asked to see the groceries when we arrived home.

Her eczema has really made some progress as she was diagnosed with a gluten allergy by the alternative medicine doctor and she is doing AMAZING!  We still have flair ups but we treat them quickly and we've pulled out most (she still sneaks cookies here and there) out of her diet.

She is growing like a weed and wearing close to size 4 clothes, she is almost in a size 6 shoe and growing by the day.

Hope all of you are well and enjoy some of these photos!  PS  I have located the button that allows readers to make comments and enabled it so I'm sure that Seanna would love to hear from her family and friends!!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Summer Fun

Seanna has been swimming at least once a day and sometimes twice.  She ABSOLUTELY LOVES swimming.  It's amazing to see her amazing progress and as a matter of fact tonight she actually dove head first into the pool and swam to Wes.  We have been working on also clearing up her eczema issues that have been absolutely horrible. She had such severe breakouts that she looked as though she had chicken pox from her head to her toes.  We finally decided to take her to an Eastern Medicine doctor who was performing accupressure on her as well as some accupuncture.  He diagnosed her with a gluten allergy and we have pulled all of that from her diet as well.  She is doing FABULOUSLY and seems to have even MORE energy than she normally does.  Her talking has exploded and she is stringing words together and we have full conversations all the time.  She asks to read books nightly and is actually going to be starting her first day of Pre-Preschool tomorrow.  She is also able to sing Twinkle Twinkle on her own, Birthday Songs etc.  She is learning her colors and learning to count as well.  Today we went on the Watermelon Tour at Tanaka Farms even though it was extremely hot she had a blast!  This is a photo of her taking a dance class that my friend teaches down the street from our home (not sure dancing class is her thing but she enjoyed trying it).

Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy Birthday #2!

Soo many things have been happening since our last post.  Seanna has almost graduated from her swimming classes (she is an AMAZING swimmer now and begs us to swim almost daily).  We unfortunately had to take her for her 1st trip to the ER (swimming caused her to exert so much energy and water that she needed an enema to clear her out).  She is talking a million miles a minute and using so many phrases that Wes and I can barely keep up.  Her eczema has been giving us fits as it appears and comes on horribly strong.  We are back on some strong medication to clear it up right now.  She had an attack while we were on family vacation with all of my family so she was able to spend her birthday with grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins etc.  We also celebrated Wes' 40th birthday and spent.  We finally returned and will spend this weekend with Wes' family celebrating the life of his grandmother that passed back in January.  Next week, she will take her test to possibly pass the swimming classes that she has been taking so that she will be considered "water safe" for her age.  She really is doing wonderfully and still loves harassing Axel every night.  Those two are best friends!  She throws the ball for him for hours and he loves every minute of it.

Hope all is well with all of you and you're enjoying your summer!


Monday, May 17, 2010

Long over Due-So Sorry! :)

I finally have a few minutes to sit down and write an update.  So much has been going on it's amazing!  Wes and I went away for a few days (locally) and Wes' parents and Grandad Henry watched Seanna at our home.  She had a BLAST with all of them and played her little heart out.  I think she even surprised them with how much she is talking these days.  She is beginning to link 2, 3 and 64 words together at a time. She understands everything and really could be a stand up comedian.  We have been going to alot of Gymboree (music classes are over for the time being--Seanna did not enjoy them as much this time around) and have been doing Disneyland, various parks and Pretend City quite a bit.  Seanna loves swinging on the swings, going down the big girl slide (the faster the better) she is a really fast runner, starting to throw balls and learning to swing a bat on a t-ball.  She can dribble a soccer ball and her favorite game is "go-go" which is a Gymboree thing where we sing "go go go--red light, or green light or yellow light".  To see Seanna walk to the yellow light (which means go slowly) is hilarious.  She takes big giant steps and then yells "GO" before the instructor does!  She is a born leader for sure!  

We also started swimming lessons today (those were definitely interesting) and will be going 4 days a week, 20 minutes a day for 8 weeks.  Hopefully by the end, Seanna should be able to swim and float to the edge of a pool and get herself out of the water.  She DID not have so much fun today as she got SUPER angry with the lady and asked her for the full 20 minutes in a loud screaming voice that she was "ALL DONE" and wanted mommy (even though I was sitting on the edge of the pool 2 feet away).  We are having alot of trouble with her skin lately as her eczema has gone crazy and she has been on medication for about 10 days as of last week. It seems to have cleared up except for her face area.  I'm working on her diets since we've had her tested for food and outdoor allergies and nothing has come up positive yet.  Hope all is well with everyone--love to all!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Easter

As always, it 's been hectic around here.  Seanna's 2 year molars are FINALLY coming in and giving her (us) less trouble. We had a really fun St Patrick's Day and party with some of our local friends and their kids.  Seanna dressed in her "little monster" shirt that Wes brought back from Boston and we put her hair in pigtails.  She enjoyed running around with all the other kids and eating alot of green candy and cupcakes that she isn't normally allowed to eat.  The following morning we took off for Pismo Beach to see Wes' grandpa John that has been in the hospital.  As usual, Pismo is such a wonderful spot and we all enjoyed ourselves (except for Seanna's waking habits at 2am and 4am and not going back to bed).  The best evening of all was one that we spent swinging on swings that were located right on the sand and then we dressed and went upstairs to enjoy a sunset meal with some musicians.  Seanna clapped LOUDLY and cheered after each song and the performers could not have been happier!  What a lovely day we had together.  

Lately, she is beginning to do a little better on her eating and is starting to actually play with other kids vs doing the parallel play.  ELMO has surpassed Yo Gabba Gabba as her new favorite character and she is really into anything that is transportation related these days-trucks, cars, trains etc.  She loves them all...  

We are looking forward to a fun Easter with some friends locally. Friday we have a picnic to attend, Saturday we have an Easter Egg Hunt planned with some other little bunnies and then we will cook up a big meal on Sunday and attend sunrise service.  Happy Easter to all!!!

PS  On the right is a shot of Seanna after she opened my mascara and attempted to put it on (all without me seeing).  She is telling me she did nothing wrong here....  :)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sickness Sickness go away!

Rough, rough week around here!!  Seanna is being tested for various allergies, and has her i teeth coming in and has a HORRIBLE sinus infection.  Her wake up time has been 4am the last several days and is having a terrible time deciding what she wants to eat these days as it seems as though her taste buds are changing hourly.  

On the flip side, her vocabulary is exploding again and there are many funny stories with regard to this. Her newest words are "cop car, happy, down, oatmeal, diaper, pancake, water, nanas (bananas), heart, and bummer (this is the word where the funny story comes into play).  She has also figured out how to "unlock" all the baby proof latches for all the doors and drawers-errrr!!!!!  

So the funny story, is that we were in the allergist office and we had been to Disneyland earlier all day.  She played in the office for a few minutes and told the doctor "All done"  and I laughed and explained that we would be leaving in a few minutes.  We had a few more of these and finally we were out the door.  I allowed her to have one sucker since she was so wonderful during the visit.  She felll down while she was eating it and yelled out "DUMMER" , "DUMMER"  I said , I don't know what you're saying, but are you ok? A little girl in the waiting room said "I think she is saying BUMMER".  I laughed so hard and Seanna has been saying it non-stop ever since...  She is growing bigger by the day and we can finally put her hair in pig tails.  She looks so cute and if she holds still long enough I will try to get a photo.  

Love to all...

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Happy belated Vday and hope you had a special one with you loved ones.  Seanna was invited to her very first Vday Party with some of her little friends so here are some photos from the party.  They all exchanged cards and treats and decorated their own bags. The photo of her on the slide is one where she had just demolished a homemade cupcake and still had the remnants on her face.   Seanna is growing like a weed still and her vocabulary is exploding. She is not bath or shower obsessed anymore and seems to be on strike with taking one these days.  It's a fight to get her to take one, but she loves to linger in the shower (after we have turned off the water) and acts as though she is washing herself with the soap and washcloth.  She is really, really into coloring these days as we turned the downstairs guest bedroom into her playroom and I can hardly get her out of the house in the mornings now.  The little girl that had to be out of the house by 8am is disappearing and has been replaced by "the player".  She is actually starting to sleep in a little bit and is seeming to be sleeping in until about 6am these days.  Her bed time has been pushed back to about 7pm as well as her naps which now take place around 11 or 12 and she sleeps til almost 3pm.  We decided to go to Disneyland this week and she had an absolute blast.  Her favorite ride is still Small World so we saved that one until last this time.  We went with her friends Preston and Cornell and she and "P" had a blast.  The next day when they saw each other at Gymboree they gave each other a hug and managed to chase each other full sprint for an entire hour while laughing the entire time.  She is such a little clown and loves to play chase these days.

Sorry the posts are far and few between these days as it's hard to get time to sit and write these days as well and take photos since she doesn't really sit still very long!!


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

This update is looonnggg overdue--when I just logged in and saw my last post was Xmas I couldn't believe how quickly time has passed.  Seanna's vocabulary has exploded lately and she is talking non-stop and stringing words together recently.  She is making friends now and is excited when she gets to see them.  One little girl especially, whose name is Preston, we have nicknamed her "P" so when Seanna is around or sees her she yells "PEEEEEEEEEEEE"  It's so stinkin cute.  She also thinks that all dogs are named Axel so she calls them ALL "Ax" which unfortunately comes out as ASS :(...  try explaining that one in public!!!  She has been getting more teeth recently too so hopefully very, very soon she might be finished teething--that will be a WONDERFUL day.  We've signed back up for Music Class on Friday's and will start that this week.  We're still going to Gymboree several times a week and take her regularly to the park. She is a daredevil when it comes to the slides and can become very obsessive about going up and down the slide many, many times.  She is also very concerned if things "aren't quite so" such as dirt on the floor, or if she drops something--uh ohh is a regular word in her vocabulary.  She is still completely obsessed with rocks (only grey ones) and loves to transfer them from one plastic cup to another.  She also LOVES her baths as night and will sit in them for 45 minutes drinking water from tea cups that are in the bathtub.

Recently, when my mom and James were visiting, we all went to Pretend City in Irvine and I was approached by a woman there and asked if she could film Seanna for a promotional video they were doing for the museum.  They had Seanna finger paint and filmed her doing so (she loved it by the way) and so hopefully sometime soon you might see her on some promotional material for Pretend City or possibly on Cox Cable show as well...  I'll make sure to let you know when I hear something.

Love to all...