Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

This update is looonnggg overdue--when I just logged in and saw my last post was Xmas I couldn't believe how quickly time has passed.  Seanna's vocabulary has exploded lately and she is talking non-stop and stringing words together recently.  She is making friends now and is excited when she gets to see them.  One little girl especially, whose name is Preston, we have nicknamed her "P" so when Seanna is around or sees her she yells "PEEEEEEEEEEEE"  It's so stinkin cute.  She also thinks that all dogs are named Axel so she calls them ALL "Ax" which unfortunately comes out as ASS :(...  try explaining that one in public!!!  She has been getting more teeth recently too so hopefully very, very soon she might be finished teething--that will be a WONDERFUL day.  We've signed back up for Music Class on Friday's and will start that this week.  We're still going to Gymboree several times a week and take her regularly to the park. She is a daredevil when it comes to the slides and can become very obsessive about going up and down the slide many, many times.  She is also very concerned if things "aren't quite so" such as dirt on the floor, or if she drops something--uh ohh is a regular word in her vocabulary.  She is still completely obsessed with rocks (only grey ones) and loves to transfer them from one plastic cup to another.  She also LOVES her baths as night and will sit in them for 45 minutes drinking water from tea cups that are in the bathtub.

Recently, when my mom and James were visiting, we all went to Pretend City in Irvine and I was approached by a woman there and asked if she could film Seanna for a promotional video they were doing for the museum.  They had Seanna finger paint and filmed her doing so (she loved it by the way) and so hopefully sometime soon you might see her on some promotional material for Pretend City or possibly on Cox Cable show as well...  I'll make sure to let you know when I hear something.

Love to all...