Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bottles no more...

So many changes these past few weeks--Seanna has completely given up bottles these days (thank goodness as the formula was a small fortune every week).  She is talking up a storm (baby talk) but has started saying a few more words very clearly--birdie, please and doggie. She LOVES her daddy and this is a photo of her after she begged to wear his sound reducing headset--she thought it was soooo cool and we laughed so hard.  Her doctor appt a few weeks ago she measured in at 31" long (90%) and 23lbs 12 oz (75%) and is a healthy as a horse as well as eating like one.  She eats about every two hours right now and is constantly hungry so I'm sure she is getting ready for another growth spurt.  She is wearing size 5 shoes and 2 T clothes already.  We've moved her up to the next level at her gym class and she is now "hanging" with the 16-22 month olds and doing all the same activities that they are... she has mastered the art of turning door handles and is also walking down the 2 steps using a railing from our kitchen to our family room.  She got three new lower teeth this week so needless to say she was very crabby and didn't sleep very well.  All and all she is doing great and having lots of fun with her new friends.

Love to all!