Happy belated Vday and hope you had a special one with you loved ones. Seanna was invited to her very first Vday Party with some of her little friends so here are some photos from the party. They all exchanged cards and treats and decorated their own bags. The photo of her on the slide is one where she had just demolished a homemade cupcake and still had the remnants on her face. Seanna is growing like a weed still and her vocabulary is exploding. She is not bath or shower obsessed anymore and seems to be on strike with taking one these days. It's a fight to get her to take one, but she loves to linger in the shower (after we have turned off the water) and acts as though she is washing herself with the soap and washcloth. She is really, really into coloring these days as we turned the downstairs guest bedroom into her playroom and I can hardly get her out of the house in the mornings now. The little girl that had to be out of the house by 8am is disappearing and has been replaced by "the player". She is actually starting to sleep in a little bit and is seeming to be sleeping in until about 6am these days. Her bed time has been pushed back to about 7pm as well as her naps which now take place around 11 or 12 and she sleeps til almost 3pm. We decided to go to Disneyland this week and she had an absolute blast. Her favorite ride is still Small World so we saved that one until last this time. We went with her friends Preston and Cornell and she and "P" had a blast. The next day when they saw each other at Gymboree they gave each other a hug and managed to chase each other full sprint for an entire hour while laughing the entire time. She is such a little clown and loves to play chase these days.
Sorry the posts are far and few between these days as it's hard to get time to sit and write these days as well and take photos since she doesn't really sit still very long!!
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