Soo many things have been happening since our last post. Seanna has almost graduated from her swimming classes (she is an AMAZING swimmer now and begs us to swim almost daily). We unfortunately had to take her for her 1st trip to the ER (swimming caused her to exert so much energy and water that she needed an enema to clear her out). She is talking a million miles a minute and using so many phrases that Wes and I can barely keep up. Her eczema has been giving us fits as it appears and comes on horribly strong. We are back on some strong medication to clear it up right now. She had an attack while we were on family vacation with all of my family so she was able to spend her birthday with grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins etc. We also celebrated Wes' 40th birthday and spent. We finally returned and will spend this weekend with Wes' family celebrating the life of his grandmother that passed back in January. Next week, she will take her test to possibly pass the swimming classes that she has been taking so that she will be considered "water safe" for her age. She really is doing wonderfully and still loves harassing Axel every night. Those two are best friends! She throws the ball for him for hours and he loves every minute of it.
Hope all is well with all of you and you're enjoying your summer!
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