Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!!!!

We had so much fun last night!!!!!!  We went around the neighborhood early before anyone was out to visit the neighbors and then parked ourselves out at home and waited for over 200+ trick or treaters to come over...  We got Seanna's cheerios out on the front porch and in between bites, she would pass out candy to our visitors.  Everyone had a ton of fun.  We also had our photo shoot today for our holiday cards from my very good friend the photographer.  We got some awesome shots of our family and Seanna!

She is really doing welll these days (although week before last she was SUPER sick with a terrible fever but is tons better now).  She is a pistol peet these days and has energy from the time she wakes up, until the time she goes to bed.  We also got our first haircut yesterday in preparation for our holiday photos!  Hope everyone had a great Halloween...