Wednesday, December 16, 2009

JR Firefighter in Training

Seanna and I went on a field trip last week to our local firehouse for a tour.  At first, she wasn't quite sure what to think-but when she and I were able to jump into the cabin of the fire truck and she came alive!!  She waived at everyone as soon as the door shut and told them "bye-bye"...  when we got home and still to this day, she wears her little red fire hat around the house and laughs when she looks in the mirror.

We've been frantically getting ready for the holidays.  Seanna absolutely loves Xmas lights and when she likes a particular set up in someone's yard, she grins from ear to ear and yells "LIGHTS".  She is DEFINITELY not a fan of santa this year, we tried to get a photo and she wasn't having it.

Hope everyone is well and early Merry Xmas wishes!