It's hard to believe that 6 months have already past since Seanna arrived on the 4th of July! She seems to be growing daily and quickly changing before our very eyes... She went from this quite little creature on the left--to this on the right in a matter of six months!
We enjoyed a very simple, yet wonderfully special Christmas with just the four of us (Axel included) and then took off the next morning for the wedding in Bakersfield. Many of Wes' extended family members were able to meet Seanna for the first time and absolutely fell in love with her right off the bat. Friday evening we enjoyed the rehersal dinner at Rusty's Pizza Parlor--Wes and I don't eat pizza very often, but this stuff was fantastic and worth every calorie! Saturday morning was a little tough for Seanna as she cut her very first tooth that morning (the lower bottom one was the first to come in but isn't actually showing enough to take a picture of yet) and was pretty much miserable the entire day.
She did wonderfully on the car ride up the day before, as well as the day of the wedding as it was an action packed day starting with photos at 2pm, followed by a wedding at 3:45 and a reception following that... By the time the reception rolled around, Seanna needed a few quite moments so I tried to feed her in the car parking lot and she decided to toss up her entire 6 ounce bottle on my dress as well as hers before we entered the reception :)--I officially entered mommyhood at this point as I smelled the remainder of the evening and walked in with stains on my clothes and yet still very much enjoyed myself and Seanna did as well. She was able to dance her first dance with her daddy on the dance floor and then proceeded to break out her own style on the dance floor...

As for New Year, Wes and I celebrated our wonderful addition to our family and how lucky we are to be her adoptive parents! We made it up until 9pm PST and watched the ball drop in New York and then fell sound asleep at 9:05! Wes' parents and Jay and Michelle joined us on New Years Day to watch the Rose Bowl and eat some Mexican food. Seanna decided to started crawling actually today on her 6 month bday--she's such a ham!
Hope everyone had a safe and lovely holiday season!
Love to all...
Love to all...
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