As so many people have said, things come in threes and Seanna seems to be following this rule of thumb closely this week. Late last week, she started climbing our stairs, and as of yesterday, she is now able to pull herself up into a standing position and balance there for quite a long time. We can't actually believe that in the morning she could not master this feat at all and by the afternoon she had repeated the same motion probably 30 times in various locations around the family room! She is now officially into everything... and has discovered a whole new world at that level. Tonight she located the drapes in the family room and the fake tree leaves make a great sound when she pulls on them and the spanish moss actually comes out of the pot!

I'm also pretty sure that her top teeth should be coming in any day. She wakes up screaming the last several nights around 2 or 3am. Her fist is constantly in her mouth and we are having more challenges with her drinking her bottles again. Hopefully these top teeth won't torture her too much longer.
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