We had a wonderful Mother's Day today as we celebrated a very simple day in Laguna and had a picnic. Seanna is doing wonderfully these days and we've been so super busy the last few weeks my post is long over due. We went to Pismo Beach a few weeks ago and Seanna was able to meet the last set of Grandparents that she hasn't been able to meet yet (they are not able to travel very far and we have not been able to go up there until now). We had a wonderful visit and Seanna tried waffles for the first time and has been eating only "adult" food ever since. She is refusing any baby food at all for any meals, but eats anything that we put in front of her. She LOVES strawberries and broccoli and especially turkey meat!! Not a big fan of pasta yet, but she is definitely a carb girl and LOVES her bread... She is getting close to walking and is saying HEY, waving and knows bye, bye now. She is becoming VERY aware of strangers and is close to getting more teeth (alth
ough no new ones have arrived yet). We also went to San Diego for a work function last weekend and Seanna came down with a touch of the flu, but still loved the beach and thought the little cabin that we were in was so cool because she could see mommy and daddy from everywhere in the place. Both Wes and I caught the flu immediately following and I caught the worst of it. Thank goodness that we only had it a short time, because it was horrible!!! This weekend it was SUPER quite at home and we were very thankful for that. Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day too and we are so thankful to have you and Seanna in our lives.

Love to all,
Wes, Heather and Seanna
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