Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving and Several Celebrations
She also is having a wonderful Thanksgiving and learning all about being a new big sister! Her new sister arrived last Thursday and is keeping all of us very, very busy. Seanna is an amazing sister and we did prepare her very well for her sister's arrival. She likes getting the big sister presents and likes sharing her TV programs (yo gabba, gabba) etc with her sister.
She is napping now but earlier we all went to the park and will be having Thanksgiving dinner when she wakes from her nap. We wish all of you a wonderful Turkey Day and hope you are celebrating with family, friends and football!
Love to all,
Posted by Forever Family at 2:39 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 27, 2010
First Day of School (again)
We just returned from Ohio yesterday afternoon (Seanna and I) and went to visit my side of the family. It was a crazy trip as always trying to see everyone in a short period of time and still attempt to keep Seanna on some type of schedule. It was a wonderful visit and Seanna enjoyed every minute of the trip (including the plane rides as she thinks that is one of the best parts of traveling). We were both exhausted yesterday and even though she woke up at 330am we decided to still try her first day of school today. Taking a step back, we did enroll her in a different school a few weeks back and after a few visits I decided that it was not the right place for her. Today, I absolutely, 100% felt that we made the right choice in changing schools. She was sooo tired by the start of the school day I wasn't sure how she was going to do--she stopped crying and when I picked her up at 11am she FLEW into my arms and said "MOMMY I HAD FUN!!" That might be my second proudest mommy moment with her!! So needless to say she is doing great. She will be going 3 days a week, part time and I think she is going to LOVE it. She is already counting to 10 by herself, knows colors and her talking is beyond advanced for her age. Her memory is amazing as I told her that I was going to the grocery store while she was at school today and when I picked her up she asked "All done grocery store?" :) Thank goodness I actually went as she asked to see the groceries when we arrived home.
Her eczema has really made some progress as she was diagnosed with a gluten allergy by the alternative medicine doctor and she is doing AMAZING! We still have flair ups but we treat them quickly and we've pulled out most (she still sneaks cookies here and there) out of her diet.
She is growing like a weed and wearing close to size 4 clothes, she is almost in a size 6 shoe and growing by the day.
Hope all of you are well and enjoy some of these photos! PS I have located the button that allows readers to make comments and enabled it so I'm sure that Seanna would love to hear from her family and friends!!
Posted by Forever Family at 8:57 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Summer Fun
Seanna has been swimming at least once a day and sometimes twice. She ABSOLUTELY LOVES swimming. It's amazing to see her amazing progress and as a matter of fact tonight she actually dove head first into the pool and swam to Wes. We have been working on also clearing up her eczema issues that have been absolutely horrible. She had such severe breakouts that she looked as though she had chicken pox from her head to her toes. We finally decided to take her to an Eastern Medicine doctor who was performing accupressure on her as well as some accupuncture. He diagnosed her with a gluten allergy and we have pulled all of that from her diet as well. She is doing FABULOUSLY and seems to have even MORE energy than she normally does. Her talking has exploded and she is stringing words together and we have full conversations all the time. She asks to read books nightly and is actually going to be starting her first day of Pre-Preschool tomorrow. She is also able to sing Twinkle Twinkle on her own, Birthday Songs etc. She is learning her colors and learning to count as well. Today we went on the Watermelon Tour at Tanaka Farms even though it was extremely hot she had a blast! This is a photo of her taking a dance class that my friend teaches down the street from our home (not sure dancing class is her thing but she enjoyed trying it).
Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!
Posted by Forever Family at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 9, 2010
Happy Birthday #2!
Hope all is well with all of you and you're enjoying your summer!
Posted by Forever Family at 7:35 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 17, 2010
Long over Due-So Sorry! :)
Posted by Forever Family at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Happy Easter
Lately, she is beginning to do a little better on her eating and is starting to actually play with other kids vs doing the parallel play. ELMO has surpassed Yo Gabba Gabba as her new favorite character and she is really into anything that is transportation related these days-trucks, cars, trains etc. She loves them all...
We are looking forward to a fun Easter with some friends locally. Friday we have a picnic to attend, Saturday we have an Easter Egg Hunt planned with some other little bunnies and then we will cook up a big meal on Sunday and attend sunrise service. Happy Easter to all!!!
PS On the right is a shot of Seanna after she opened my mascara and attempted to put it on (all without me seeing). She is telling me she did nothing wrong here.... :)
Posted by Forever Family at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
Sickness Sickness go away!
Posted by Forever Family at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Posted by Forever Family at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Happy New Year 2010!
Posted by Forever Family at 2:37 PM 0 comments