I was finally able to get a shot of Seanna's two bottom teeth and last night, she was screaming at midnight as her upper ones are also starting to break through! All things considered she is doing really well with as much pain as the teeth are causing her. We try to manage it with the Highland Teething Tablets, Orajel and Motrin in the evening before she goes to sleep. Soon, she will look like a whole new little person once those top ones arrive and we will make sure to get some great new shots for everyone... She also had her 6 month doctor appt on Thursday of last week and measured in at 27 inches long, and weighs 18.6 lbs! The doctor's office decided to start taking bets as to when she will be taller than I am!! On a side note, Wes met Dora Torres last week, and had his photo taken with her during the National Sales Meeting in Orlando, so we are going to frame the photo and put it in her room with the caption "Daddy and Dora". Wes has given Seanna the loving nickname "flipper" because her feet are growing so quickly that he swears that she will be a swimmer and use her feet to her advantage. She is also a SUPER fast crawler now and has decided to move to the next stage of pulling herself up on things (or at least pulling the object down to her level). She is also saying "mama" clearly and eating solids on the Level 3 baby food now. The doctor was very excited about how well she is developing and also mentioned that Seanna will probably be walking around 9 months. You go girl!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
18 lbs-Really??!!
Posted by Forever Family at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguration Day and Catching Up
Today is very historical day as our new 44th President Barack Obama has taken office-Seanna and I were able to watch him take his oath while she drank her bottle on my lap. We're very hopeful, as is the rest of the country and the world, that he can bring some postive energy and action to our country.
Posted by Forever Family at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 4, 2009
6 Months Ago Today!
It's hard to believe that 6 months have already past since Seanna arrived on the 4th of July! She seems to be growing daily and quickly changing before our very eyes... She went from this quite little creature on the left--to this on the right in a matter of six months!

Love to all...
Posted by Forever Family at 6:45 PM 0 comments