Wes returned home on Wednesday evening, after being gone five days (three days hunting and two were spent in all day work meetings in Minnesota). I have to say, I was one tired mom at the end of those five days. Thursday morning we had our meeting with the State Social Worker in Monterey Park. We expected to be stuck in some trafffic so we left at 8:30am for our 10:15am meeting (Monterey is apprx 1 hour away from our home). We arrived in the parking lot at exactly 10:20am and sprinted up to our appt--thanks to Wes' alternate route, we were able to actually make it there only a few minutes late vs about 45 minutes more. The meeting went very well and the next step is Seanna's 5 month doctor visit paperwork that will be turned into the state.
Friday morning, Wes planned an outing to Laguna Beach for his two favorites ladies! Seanna got to experience Laguna on one of the most beautiful fall days that we have ever seen... The weather was perfect and very few tourists were in town. We strolled along the beach and ate lunch down at one of our favorite cafes --Sundried Tomato. It was a perfect Friday outing!! On Sunday we all decided that it was time to go to a pumpkin patch and pick out our favorite pumpkin! We had alot of fun watching the kids run around and get excited about Halloween and the fall season that is upon us... We took some photos and really enjoyed the day.

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