Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Crazy Girl!

Crazy girl!

[Image]Seanna's personality is coming out in full force now.  She is LOVING her new preschool classroom and I'm pretty sure the teachers on on their heels with her because she is giving them a run for their money daily.  She is OBSESSED with reading books and does it for hours--at night she sings and reads herself to sleep. Her newest thing is telling us that there are 7 days in the week.  She can count to 20, knows her ABCs and several, several songs and recites tons of fairy tale poems by heart.  She has an extremely strong personality and will test you to the limits if she knows she can take an inch --she will take 10 more.

[Image]She is a really good, good girl and loves her new sister.  She helps with baths in the evening and if she spits up or is crying she is the first one to tell us about it.

This weekend we went to a party where the Lizard Wizard was the main attraction and Seanna held several snakes and also brushed a pet turtle.  I'm not even sure her dad wanted to hold the snakes :)

She LOVES the bear that you gave her and we really appreciated it.

[Image]Love to all...