We also enjoyed a lovely Xmas this year too as we stayed home on the actual day but celebrated Xmas Eve with friends and an Italian Meatball Dinner. The kids all made Santa Cookies for when he came to their homes later that evening and we all stayed out way too late. Christmas day was lovely too as we made a big beautiful ham dinner with lots of trimmings and opened presents slowing for most of the day (in between bottle feedings, naps and diaper changes). :) New Years was also very quite and Seanna, Wes and I celebrated New York New Year and she thought it was the greatest thing ever that there was a party on TV! New Years Day we had friends over to watch football and eat rueben pizza and other traditional dishes. The house was a mess afterwards but we sure had a great day! Seanna woke up and went to her play room the next day and said "someone needs to clean this up!" Yes, our little one likes things in their places and do not mess up her areas :!
Seanna is getting used to having a new sister although I think she realized the other day that she is here to stay and was not so excited about it. When I changed the photos in the hallway to reflect the new Holiday photos she told me "I don't like them!" Oh boy, here we goooo! She is an absolute doll though and her personality is as sweet as they come. Her teachers all love her and she seems to be a class favorite. Her vocabulary is such that the teachers are now telling me that they want to move her up to preschool already at 2.5! So we will be working on potty training over the next few weeks. We have some additional family members coming into town so I will be asking them for some assistance as well. She has not moved into her big girl room yet, but that is right around the corner as well.
Hope everyone is doing well and we love and miss all of you!