I finally have a few minutes to sit down and write an update. So much has been going on it's amazing! Wes and I went away for a few days (locally) and Wes' parents and Grandad Henry watched Seanna at our home. She had a BLAST with all of them and played her little heart out. I think she even surprised them with how much she is talking these days. She is beginning to link 2, 3 and 64 words together at a time. She understands everything and really could be a stand up comedian. We have been going to alot of Gymboree (music classes are over for the time being--Seanna did not enjoy them as much this time around) and have been doing Disneyland, various parks and Pretend City quite a bit. Seanna loves swinging on the swings, going down the big girl slide (the faster the better) she is a really fast runner, starting to throw balls and learning to swing a bat on a t-ball. She can dribble a soccer ball and her favorite game is "go-go" which is a Gymboree thing where we sing "go go go--red light, or green light or yellow light". To see Seanna walk to the yellow light (which means go slowly) is hilarious. She takes big giant steps and then yells "GO" before the instructor does! She is a born leader for sure!
We also started swimming lessons today (those were definitely interesting) and will be going 4 days a week, 20 minutes a day for 8 weeks. Hopefully by the end, Seanna should be able to swim and float to the edge of a pool and get herself out of the water. She DID not have so much fun today as she got SUPER angry with the lady and asked her for the full 20 minutes in a loud screaming voice that she was "ALL DONE" and wanted mommy (even though I was sitting on the edge of the pool 2 feet away). We are having alot of trouble with her skin lately as her eczema has gone crazy and she has been on medication for about 10 days as of last week. It seems to have cleared up except for her face area. I'm working on her diets since we've had her tested for food and outdoor allergies and nothing has come up positive yet. Hope all is well with everyone--love to all!