Rough, rough week around here!! Seanna is being tested for various allergies, and has her i teeth coming in and has a HORRIBLE sinus infection. Her wake up time has been 4am the last several days and is having a terrible time deciding what she wants to eat these days as it seems as though her taste buds are changing hourly.
On the flip side, her vocabulary is exploding again and there are many funny stories with regard to this. Her newest words are "cop car, happy, down, oatmeal, diaper, pancake, water, nanas (bananas), heart, and bummer (this is the word where the funny story comes into play). She has also figured out how to "unlock" all the baby proof latches for all the doors and drawers-errrr!!!!!
So the funny story, is that we were in the allergist office and we had been to Disneyland earlier all day. She played in the office for a few minutes and told the doctor "All done" and I laughed and explained that we would be leaving in a few minutes. We had a few more of these and finally we were out the door. I allowed her to have one sucker since she was so wonderful during the visit. She felll down while she was eating it and yelled out "DUMMER" , "DUMMER" I said , I don't know what you're saying, but are you ok? A little girl in the waiting room said "I think she is saying BUMMER". I laughed so hard and Seanna has been saying it non-stop ever since... She is growing bigger by the day and we can finally put her hair in pig tails. She looks so cute and if she holds still long enough I will try to get a photo.
Love to all...