Monday, May 7, 2012
Posted by Forever Family at 3:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 6, 2012
2012 and moving quickly
Oh boy!! We are all SOOO happy to see 2011 end as it was quite a year filled with too many challenges for us. We welcomed 2012 in style and embracing our new goals for the upcoming year. To wrap up 2011, the flood in our home ended up being about a 4 month process. We lived on concrete and without furniture right up until the week before Xmas. We lived at home during the entire process as it was too hard for the girls to live in a hotel and so we braved out the dust and grime! Everything is back in place now and we are having alot of fun.

Posted by Forever Family at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 21, 2011
Falling into Fall!
Life (as many mommies warned me) continues to get busier and busier with each day. No matter how prepared I am for the week, I can never quite catch up!! Seanna started back to school again and is loving it. She is doing even better this year now that she has the routine down and even has a little pack of friends (I've been told by the teacher that she is the ring leader). It's quite funny to see these four little girls all together. The kids all get super excited when I come in to pick her up with her baby sister... Even though she loves hanging out with these little girls, sometimes I pick her up and she is hanging by herself as well. Not only that, but she normally makes me wait anywhere from 20-40 minutes until she feels that she is done playing.
We unfortunately had ANOTHER flood in our house and are going to lose all of the hardwood floors downstairs and have a huge project ahead of us to get the house back on track. We've been in and out of the house due to construction stuff and have been put on hold for a few days while they order some supplies.
She is still absolutely in love with her sister and still loves to mess with her whenever she can. They have a ritual each night of playing outside after dinner and love to play in the toy cars (Seanna drives and Nola tries to chase after her on foot). It's very fun to watch. Seanna has an extremely STRONG personality which is sometimes a challenge to manage but it's also extremely charming when she wants to be. She is definitely one of the smartest three year olds I've met (of course I'm a bit biased).
Happy Halloween and Fall to you all!
Posted by Forever Family at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Summer 2011 almost coming to an end!
It has been such a wonderful summer hanging out with the girls all summer long. We did lots of fun things together as a family. We were invited a few weeks ago with some friends to their cabin in Crestline and Seanna had her very first experience with the mountains and also staying in the same room as a friend (her version of a sleepover at age 3). She had a blast and was so sad to head back home again.
Right now, Seanna and Wes are in Arizona visiting his mom (Grandmother). I'm sure they are having a great time. Little Blu and I stayed back to take care of Axel and hold the fort down. It's so quiet around here and no one is asking a million questions of me about "How does that work, or Why did I do that??" etc. I really miss them both terribly. They will be back before the weekend comes.
Seanna's has become an amazing swimmer over the summer as well. She now loves to leap off of things into the water, can dive down to the bottom of the pool to retrieve things and can do summersaults in the water all by herself. It's really amazing to watch. She is teaching herself how to breath above water while she is using her big arms too. I have to say swimming might be in that little girl's future--she sometimes wants to swim twice a day! She and Axel have spent many summer days out in the pool and she throws the ball in for him and then jumps in the water so she can see his legs swimming under the water with her pink goggles. We even had to put a portable potty outside because she could not be bothered with coming inside if she actually needs to use the rest room! :))) Crazy girl!
School is starting up again next week. Not sure we will start her until the following week since traveling takes so much out of her.
A few weeks ago we had a mommy and Seanna day and we went to her very first movie theater. She did great--it was the dollar theater so I wasn't sure about the movie that we went too and learned alot about even though it's a "G" rated movie it can still be scary. She saw Astro Boy and I have to say she did wonderfully well for her first flick. She got a booster seat and everything--we only needed one small break but she was determined to see the whole show.
Finally, I have to say how proud I am of her for what a fantastic big sister she has become. She really loves her little sister and even though she loves to control her toys and when little Blu gets to play with them, she takes great pride in being a big sister. It's one of my favorite things to do is watch the two of them interact in the play room together. Their laughs are amazing and when we had an impromptu dance party in the family room the other night--they both were laughing uncontrollably and begging to dance more-mommy, more!!
Hope you all are having a great summer too!
Posted by Forever Family at 2:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
The world is spinning by this year!
It's hard to believe that our little Sunshine is already 3 years old as of yesterday! She is absolutely an amazing little girl and is so happy to have a new little sister. We finished school at the beginning of the month and have been hanging out together alot these last few weeks. We've been going to lots of parks, the library, swimming a ton and making lots of new friends. Her vocabulary is almost at a scary level as sometimes I actually have to stop and remind myself that she is only 3 years old.
We had a great Father's Day and were planning on enjoying a bbq with friends (although due to an unexpected leak in our kitchen it ended up being quite a big ordeal. Although the day ended up being a super fun day with lots of friends food and swimming!

Posted by Forever Family at 4:01 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 6, 2011
Happy Belated Easter and Early Mother's Day!

I was invited to Seanna's school today for a Mommy and Me tea that was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I walked out onto the playground and could not believe my eyes. It had been transformed into a beautiful garden for all mommies to enjoy. Seanna chose my outfit and also made special placemat where I was seated.
We talk about her tummy mommy every day as well and want you to know that you and all the grandmas and mothers are celebrated on this day as well. We found a poem (and changed it a bit) to tell you how grateful we are to you for choosing us to raise her. You have truly given us a gift we can not repay.
So please allow us to send you this note to know how special you and your family are to us as well on this special day.
We have a bond, dear birthmother and I,
It’s the love of a child, we can't deny.
You are a blessing from afar,
To send to us your bright, shining star.
Her journey to us would not have occurred, if your love for her had ever swerved.
I thank you this day from the bottom of my heart, a sacrifice to one, to another a fresh start.
This start includes honor to you, as you are the birthmother, twill always be true.
I will treasure my blessing every day, and pray you'll be there, so I may thank you again.
Love to all,
Posted by Forever Family at 1:01 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 11, 2011
Starting to actually like her new sister
Well, it's been almost 5 months since the new baby came home and Seanna is finally realizing that she is here to stay. The baby is beginning to motor around now and smile as well as laugh out loud. Finally Seanna realizes that she's not just a ton of work but can actually be fun too! Seanna is asking to "hold" the baby and help feed her--we have somewhat moved past the whole baby does that so I will too phase (hopefully). Seanna thinks that she is a really big girl now --which in reality she is becoming. She has gone through a few growth spurts recently and is now more than half my size. She is wearing a size 7 shoe and wearing 4T clothes already.
She will be finishing up school soon for the summer and has been in swim lessons again for this year. These are more refresher lessons in an attempt to get her ready for some (she actually forgot how to swim over the winter and was a bit paranoid of the water).
Hope all is well with all of you!
Posted by Forever Family at 10:56 AM 0 comments